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Monster Manual CR 5 - Complete
  • Monster Manual CR 5 - Complete

    These are all the challenge rating 5 creatures from the Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual!


    Included in this pack are 2 variant colour and line work additions to the CR5 free pack, as well as the free pack tokens! Perfect for boss's, leaders and characters!


    Made by KTech and Caeora


    "One again there are two different extra versions of each monster from the CR5 pack some of which have entirely new line art and new colours! There's a couple of these that I'm super happy with, like the Kirin variant which I think is one of my best so far!


    The process of making these tokens is very much a back and forth and Caeora helped fine tune all the tokens before they were released, I know he was very happy with the triceratops and giants!"


    This pack is also available as part of the Veteran Tier on my Patreon, but if you prefer buying packs instead this is the pack as a one time purchase!


    The purchased file includes PNG files without shadows and with shadows.

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